Paladins - Sands of Myth datamining


There is many random lines in files. They will unfortunately not be sorted.

Corvus Ult - Deployable - Deploy SubDevice
Slow when hit with corvus dagger
Corvus Bacon
Corvus Dagger Talent
Corvus loves Bacon but only this time
Triple Beacon
Passive Mark Benefits
What we do now echoes in eternity
The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away
Test heal featherweight
Dagger stun

Marked targets by your RMB Directly Healing a Marked ally will increase the Healing done to them by 100 and reduce the Cooldown of your RMB by 1s Only one ally can be Marked at a time and the Mark will bounce to the closest nearby ally if the Marked ally dies.
ULT - Rise up into the air, becoming Immune to Crowd Control and reducing your damage taken by X while maintaining some air control. Target the ground to deal 1300 damage and leave a pool that deals 300 damage every 1s for X.

CARDS (and maybe some other things?)

[Armor] Increase your maximum health
Self heal after healing ally
Increase shared healing to marked ally when not healing marked ally
Grant lifesteal to marked target 
Heal for lifestealing done by target
Shield your ally when you mark them
Increase movement speed of marked ally'ies
Groundspeed increase
Gives MS to marked target
Firemode on beacon
GHeal over 2s after healing with RMB
restore Ammo when healing with RMB
Reduce CD of Blink after healing with RMB
[RMB] Reduce damage taken by healed target for scaling short duration after heal
[dagger] Reduce CD of blink dagger for each enemy hit by it.
[dagger] Increase projectile speed of blink dagger.
[dagger] increase your ms after throwing dagger
[dagger] reduce damage taken while dagger is out.
Provides DR while dagger is out removed on tele.
[armor] Gain shield after dropping below 300 health
[weapon] Increase max ammo
[armor] Increase all healing you do while above x health


Dovie andise tovya sagain (Translate - It's time to toss the dice)
Almost dead yesterday maybe dead tomorrow but alive gloriously alive today
An open sack hides nothing And an open door hide little but an open man is surely hiding something
But men often mistake killing and revenge for justice They seldom have the stomach for justice
Prophet said I thing of evil, prophet still if bird or devil. Whether Tempter sent or thether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted on this desert land enchanted
On this home by horror haunted tell me truly. I implore. Is there, is there balm in Gilead. Tell me, tell me. I implore Quoth the Raven. Nevermore.
Prophet said I thing of evil, prophet still if bird or devil. By that heaven that bends above us, by that God we both adore. Tell this soul with sorrow laden if within the distant Aidenn.
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore. Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore. Quoth the Raven. Nevermore.
I met a traveller from an antique land. Who said Two vast and trunkless legs of stone. Stand in the desert Near them on the sand.
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown. And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command. Tell that its sculptor well those passions read.
Which yet survive stamped on these lifeless things. The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear. My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings.
Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair. Nothing beside remains Round the decay. Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare. The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe is always one step beyond logic.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
Time is a human construct.
There is no place for the weak.
Willed or hesitant. Only by firm action and resolute faith will mankind survive. No sacrifice is too great. No treachery too small. 
We are too much accustomed to attribute to a single cause that which is the product of several and the majority of our controversies come from that.
How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.
The unoverse is change our life is what our thoughts make it.
Big support energy
How Ridiculous and how strange to be surprised at any thing which happens in life
Oh hi Mark
The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury


Pyre Forged Gatling

Corrosive Gatling

Dragon Mount
True Dragon Mount
Dragon Rider deathstamp
Furia skin - Dragon Rider + recolor 
Khan - Dragon Rider + recolor
Viktor - Dragon Rider + recolor
Golden Corvus 
Golden Officer's Repeater - SOLOKILLS have died alone in the depths of the abyss (?)
Corvus - Pyre

Furia new skin - Voice Pack (It can be Dragon Rider or Abyssal)


Adanas the Balance Master - These hands have been created to bring balance to the realm and entertainment to all it's inhabitants
Beware the Raumpage - Brush away your opponents and let ring the peals of thunder as you Raumpage into m'lady's heart
Gentleman Raum - Born to survive the hars frontiers of the Realm and Give them Hell doing it 
TyraNova - Valiant warrior in the battle against the Tyranny of community issues.


New Avatar (avatar template) - Obtainable through special promotions or events
Leadership Commendation Bundle
Skill Commendation Bundle
Banned Commendation Bundle
Platform Skins
Heavy Hit - Used for Death recap reporting on Inferno Blades.
EGS Bundle 
Some Lore (?)
Pax East Code Cards

A lot of new game tips have been added.

Slow Victim
Hurt Victim


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